Episode 134

Can Better Relationship Skills Save Your Incompatible Relationship?

Sometimes incompatibility is a death sentence for a relationship, and other times it becomes clear that the way you are communicating your expectations is a bigger problem than incompatibility. This episode will help you determine whether upleveled relationship skills are what you need, or if your issues are truly dealbreakers threatening your longevity.

We're Not Fine


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Doug Jensen

Profile: https://werenotfine.com/our-team/

Email: contact@werenotfine.com

IG: douglasljensen

Twitter: dougjensen4Cs

Dr. Talia Jackson

Profile: https://werenotfine.com/our-team/

Email: contact@werenotfine.com

IG: @drtaliajackson

Twitter: @Talia.Jackson77

About the Podcast

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We're Not Fine
Conversations on dating, relationships, anxiety - all the hard things, and more

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Talia Jackson