Episode 109
If You Don’t Do Your Work, Everyone Around You Will Have To | How to Love Better Ep.1
In this first of a six part mini-sode series “How to Love Better”, Doug and Dr Talia offer their favorite and most used couples’ therapy nuggets of wisdom. This week we focus on “If you don’t do your your work, everyone around you will have to”. The idea is that the benefit of doing your work, owning your past, your trauma, your triggers, your unmet needs, is so great. You will be changing dysfunctional and toxic relationship patterns, you will be empowered to communicate your thoughts, feelings, needs and boundaries, you will stop feeling victimized by others’ bad behavior and you will find more fulfillment and joy in your relationship life. On the flip-side, we argue the cost of not doing your work is too damaging. You will be perpetuating unhealthy patterns and continue to think others are the problem. You might even blame them for disregulating you rather than feel responsible for your own reaction, communication, and triggers. To “own” your triggers is to be freed from the unconscious toxic relationship patterns that are no longer serving you. We encourage you to level up in your precious relationship skills.
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Doug Jensen
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Email: contact@werenotfine.com
IG: douglasljensen
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Dr. Talia Jackson
Profile: https://werenotfine.com/our-team/
Email: contact@werenotfine.com
IG: @drtaliajackson
Twitter: @Talia.Jackson77