Episode 118
My girlfriend has conflicts with so many important people in her life, but insists it is not her
In this mailbag, Doug and Dr Talia respond to our listener “Giuseppe”, who is in love with his girlfriend and wants desperately to be supportive of her, but can’t help but notice that she has conflict with so many people in her life. She insists she is not the problem. People either can’t stand her, or have cut her off and she will tell me that she has spent years putting up with their behavior and has finally created boundaries for herself and will no longer accept their disrespect. Who do I believe? How do I support her if I don’t like the drama that follows her everywhere? Help!
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Doug Jensen
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Dr. Talia Jackson
Profile: https://werenotfine.com/our-team/
Email: contact@werenotfine.com
IG: @drtaliajackson
Twitter: @Talia.Jackson77