Episode 116
"They're way out of my league, and no one understands why we are together. Are we doomed?"
In this mail bag episode, Dr. Talia and Doug respond to a self-conscious 31 year old man who says that his fiancé is way out of his league, like traffic accident causing and heart stoppingly beautiful. He says he’s just an average guy, and was mostly feeling comfortable until the barrage of questions and criticism from her friends and family started and never stopped. They can not understand why she would be with him when she could do so much better. Needless to say, this poor couple is suffering from a bad case of self doubt that is like a crack in the pavement, as it will keep growing under any further stress. Are they doomed?
We're Not Fine
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Doug Jensen
Profile: https://werenotfine.com/our-team/
Email: contact@werenotfine.com
IG: douglasljensen
Twitter: dougjensen4Cs
Dr. Talia Jackson
Profile: https://werenotfine.com/our-team/
Email: contact@werenotfine.com
IG: @drtaliajackson
Twitter: @Talia.Jackson77