Episode 131
Dating while Good Looking and Successful? Beware of “Throning
10 signs that you are getting “Throned”. Basically, Gen Z rebranded social climbing, and we love it. Throning is dating someone mainly to enhance your own reputation and boost your ego and credentials by association. Tune into this fun episode to determine if there’s any of this going on in your life! And if so, what to do about it.
We're Not Fine
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Doug Jensen
Profile: https://werenotfine.com/our-team/
Email: contact@werenotfine.com
IG: douglasljensen
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Dr. Talia Jackson
Profile: https://werenotfine.com/our-team/
Email: contact@werenotfine.com
IG: @drtaliajackson
Twitter: @Talia.Jackson77